Lepus Starseeds
The sea of space takes you the world of Lepus. The world within, is full of beings who look much like beautiful rabbit-like elves. They have very long legs and feet much like a rabbit, with rabbit noses and elf ears. They are all sorts of colors. With short downy as fur on their skin, feeling much like suede. They are the sweetest of creatures, and full of love. They have alot to give and they have huge families. They can have children all of the way up until they are beyond what earthlings call elderly age. The beings of Lepus are magical. They hunt and are meat eaters of small animals like rodents, mostly mice of their world. other beingd exist there sich as fairy like beings but larger, and minotaur. There, they had a war which lasted many generations. Their planet eventually was depopulated of the other races, due to the war, and the beings who resembled rabbits were predominant there. Advanced in technology, they always had laser weapons and interplanetary and time travel devices and crafts, but this wisdom and technology was kept for the rich only. Eventually, they visited Earth, but only when their natural resources were depleted, and they came here to study human life and agriculture.
I have met the beings from Lepus on a few occasions. I was 9 years old the first time. We had a huge yard, with lots of hedges all around it. They would grow so big and my landlord and neighbor would usually keep the ones out front nice and trim, but the ones in the back were always unruly. I was a bit afraid of the area in the back of the house, because it was prone to strange paranormal activity. I had the bedroom which faced that direction, and in the summer, it was a bit overwhelming because my father did not use air conditioner. My bed was along side of the window which was left open, due to the heat. I saw all sorts of stuff, and all of it, always aware of me, and where I was, looking from the back second story window. Somehow, no matter what was there, it always looked up toward my direction. It was a horrifying childhood.
Out of the many experiences, some stuck out in my mind. The time I had seen a Lepian, was one of them. I saw a tall being with rabbit legs, longer pointier ears, and eyes that pierced deep. Sometimes, I got confused as to whether these were what society called "demons", or something else. I only found out upon speaking with my deity. He always explained everything, to give me reassurance. It was not an easy childhood, and I was all alone. The creature was wandering through the thick brush in the back, covered in the darkness of the night. Even from the distance, it must had felt that someone was aware of it's pressence, and looked in my direction. I just threw the blanket over my head and hid. I was afraid to go outside the next morning, thinking there was a chance it was still there. However, my father and his brother had a horseshoe game that next day, and it seemed it was all but gone.
The second encounter that I had, was when I was 19 years old. I was working next door to my residence, in 2015. I was channeling, and while in trance, one appeared as a result of looking into one my client's akashic records. The message was clear, they had been exploring planet Earth, and wanted to understand the agriculture here. That explained why one had appeared when I was 9 in my back yard. My landlord had two huge gardens back there, on his side of the yard, and one on mine. I learned, that they inspected many farmlands and gardens, but only of specific sizes. If they were smaller, they would not bother. It made sense. I had revealed the first encounter to the entity that I had been channeling, and then shown alot of information of their home world.

It was a great surprise to me this year, when I performed another akashic records reading, to find yet one more person who had been from there. Out of thousands that I had read, so far it had only been just the two. It was rare in my eyes, indeed. In just a year and a half, what I had been shown previously in 2015, had significantly changed by 2017. It really showed how the difference in time is there, compared to here. I had seen a very natural world at first. Intelligence that was kept by the rulers there, had now been wide spread. The beings who once grew a longer version of their fur for hair, are now bald and the shape of their elongated heads are more visible. They carried technological weapons, and their planet was full of growth that was leading them towards another revolt. They had already had a few through out time as I had seen, but this time it was different. Their planet had been changing rapidly.
Those from Lepus had been known of by those who came from Orion, who had visits with them prior to their visits, and their existence as guardians in of their planet. They had many invasions, when those from Orion came to visit, they fought against them until the last of the visitors of Orion were taken to the Elders who spoke to them and discovered that they were there as allies, and not as enemies. They taught of their pressence in Egypt during the rise of the Egyptian Kings. Those who ruled Egypt, made them a part of their pantheon of Gods and associated Hares, as an Earthly relative.
It was a beautiful sight, their world. It is amazing that once a woman had asked me if all worlds were human like or Earth like. Oh no. They are all different, butbeing otherworldy, it is hard to describe what they look like, and so it is easier to use descriptives compared to things on Earth, but it rarely does it any justice. One day I hope for an artist to assist me in painting what I describe of these places.
The world of Lepus, it was a peaceful place of love, hunting, and longing. Now, it has become a place of warriors and after an invasion, they have become defensive, and paranoid in their attempts to protect their planet from other invaders. They are kind beings when they feel no threat though, and although I have not worked with them very much or often, yes, I was afraid as a child upon my first encounter, but seeing what type of race that they are, I know now that they are just merely different in their appearance. They have been through alot, like many others, and even the people of Earth. They want what we all want here, a time of total peace. Some have even incarnated from their world to try to find here, and found that Earth was very similar but also completely different.
Lepian Starseeds Traits:
1. Nature Lovers
2. Found of Rabbits and Rodents
3. Interested in Archery
4. They like having big families
5. Do not like being alone
6. Do not like to venture far from home
7. They usually have their family as their friends.
8. They are very detailed and love art although may not be artistic themselves
9. They are quiet, and good listeners
10. They love the peace and quiet
11. They are very active in life
12. They love anything fast and exhilerating
13. They do not really follow anyone's style, but instead have their own eccentric way of dressing
14. They love to read
15. They like hunting
16. They have trust issues
17. They will have an attraction to assisting mankind in protesting against war, and trying to help poverty.
If you feel that you may be an otherworldly soul, contact: www.aluraspiritualservices.com